July 2019 Monthly Competition:
Merits and Golds

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KEY: Junior = 1, 2, and 3 star. Senior = 4 and 5 star
GREY BLOCK = Merit (13-15)
NO BLOCK = Gold (10-12)
AS = Action & Sport; N = Nature; W = Wildlife; PA = Photo Art/Creative; OP = Open; PO = Portrait; SC = 'Scapes; PJ = Photo-journalism

-5-PJ-hanging on-Phil-Muller-
-5-OP-Sunrise Silhouette-Bertie-Price-
-5-OP-Mono Moyos-Des-van Tonder-
-5-OP-Graceful-Des-van Tonder-
-5-N-Hoverfly landing gear down-Rob-Hart-
-5-N-Duncan the Distinguished Vulture-Bertie-Price-
-5-N-Coaxing Mrs Hoverfly-Rob-Hart-
-4-W-Dry Hot And Dusty-Maxi-Holder-
-4-PO-Twisted Sister-Maxi-Holder-
-4-PJ-Gerda Steyn - Ladies Comrades winner 2019-Terry-Burne-
-4-PA-Long crested eagle-Nola-Meiring-
-4-N-hanging by a thread-Ronald-Lotz-
-3-W-Goose on goose-Gustav-de Wet-
-3-SC-Feeling Small-Paul-Naude-
-3-PO-Orange Back Lit Babe-Erik-Bosman-
-3-OP-Spiral staircase-Heidi-Taylor-
-3-OP-Liquid gold-Ronelle-van den Heever-
-3-OP-Beachfront scavenger-Heidi-Taylor-
-3-OP-A Branch of the Animal Kingdom-Paul-Naude-
-3-N-Canary in the rain-Ronelle-van den Heever-
-3-AS-Contemplation-Ronelle-van den Heever-
-2-W-Standing out from the crowd-Marna-Roelofse-
-2-W-Klipspringer on the rocks-Marna-Roelofse-
-1-AS-Caught it-Tracey-Rhodes-